“Special Mention”, the Kekoo Naoroji Book Award for Himalayan literature, 2019.
Special Mention to Henry Edmundson’s Tales from the Himalaya. In fact this weighty tome is not so much “tales”, apart from accounts of Henry’s own treks in Nepal, as a research resource with long and detailed chapters on the history, religion, politics, and geology of the Himalaya.
What further distinguishes Tales from the Himalaya is its lavish illustration and superb production. All credit to Henry Edmundson for what was clearly a labour of love, and to publishers Vajra Books in Kathmandu. As jury member Rama Goyal put it: “It is commendable that Henry Edmundson chose a publisher from a Himalayan nation for this book, which would have required an effort of Himalayan proportions to put together.”
Link: The Kekoo Naoroji Book Award for Himalayan literature.